คำย่อในภาษาอังกฤษ Formal abbreviations in English
ในบทความนี้เราจะมาทำความรู้จักกับคำย่อหรือตัวย่อ (Abbreviations) ในภาษาอังกฤษต่างๆ ที่มักพบได้บ่อย
- # ==> number
- a/c ==> account (or air conditioning!)
- ad ==> advertisement
- AD ==> Anno Domini (e.g., AD 450)
- AGM ==> Annual General Meeting
- anon. ==> anonymous (used when an author or creator is not known)
- a.m. ==> ante meridiem, “before noon”
- approx. ==> approximately
- apt. ==> apartment
- ASAP ==> as soon as possible
- BA ==> Bachelor of Arts (degree)
- BC ==> before Christ
- BCE ==> before the Common Era (used instead of BC)
- BSc ==> Bachelor of Science (degree)
- c ==> circa, “about” or “approximately” (as in c 1800)
- c. ==> century (as in the 19th c.)
- cc ==> copy to (comes from “carbon copy”)
- CE ==> of the Common Era (used instead of AD)
- CEO ==> chief executive officer
- cf. ==> confer, the Latin term for “compare with”
- c/o ==> care of (used on letters)
- cm ==> centimetre
- COD ==> cash on delivery
- d. ==> died
- dept. ==> department
- Dr. ==> Doctor
- e.g. ==> “for example” (comes from Latin: exempli gratia)
- esp. ==> especially
- est. ==> established
- ETA ==> estimated time of arrival
- etc. ==> et cetera, “and so on”
- fig. ==> figure
- fwd ==> forward
- incl. ==> includes/included
- id. ==> idem, “the same”, used to refer to an author’s work that has just been cited in the text
- i.e. ==> id est, “that is to say”
- kg ==> kilogram
- km ==> kilometre
- lb ==> pound (weight)
- max. ==> maximum
- MD ==> Doctor of Medicine (from Medicinae Doctor)
- misc. ==> miscellaneous
- min. ==> minimum
- msg. ==> message
- n/a ==> not applicable
- NB ==> nota bene, “it is important to note”
- no. ==> Number
- p., pp. ==> page, pages
- p.a. ==> per annum, “per year”
- pls ==> please
- p.m. ==> post meridiem, “after noon”
- PhD ==> Doctor of Philosophy
- Prof. ==> Professor
- PR ==> public relations
- PS ==> post scriptum, an additional remark at the end of a letter
- PTO ==> please turn over
- qty. ==> quantity
- R&D ==> research and development
- re ==> with reference to, in the matter of, about, concerning
- sp. ==> spelling
- St. ==> Saint
- viz. ==> videlicet, “namely”
- vs. ==> versus